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Yamaha YDP-184R

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Yamaha YDP-184R


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CFX Premium Grand Piano Voice
Key-off Samples
String Resonance
Damper Resonance DSP
GHS (Graded Hammer Standard) Keyboard Action with Matte Black Key Tops
Stereophonic Optimizer
Acoustic Optimizer
Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)

The Arius YDP-184R features the stunning sound of the flagship Yamaha CFX concert grand piano. You can customize the piano sound in the "Piano Room" by adjusting various parameters such as string resonance, damper resonance and touch response. Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) simulates the way an acoustic piano resonates—where the sound of one string causes sympathetic vibration in other strings and the soundboard--giving you a full, rich grand piano sound.

The true grand piano sound, matched with a highly authentic and expressive keyboard, make the YDP-184R the flagship Arius digital piano. By using a similar spring-less hammer mechanism as is found in a grand piano, the GH3 keyboard action reproduces the touch of an acoustic instrument, from the heavier feel in the lower register to the lighter touch in the upper octaves. It also features a three-sensor configuration, which accurately senses and interprets the behavior of the keyboard to create a grand piano playing experience.
